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DOC #2
{Party A}'s declaration
I, the undersigned, hereby declare in accordance with Article 8, Section (1) of Act CXXXVI of 2007 on the Prevention and Combating of Money-Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Money Laundering Act.)-that in connection with the Contract for Legal Services
I act in my own name and/-or on behalf of {Party A},
I hereby consent to the handling of my personal data by [Attorney-at-law’s-name] Attorney-at-law in the matters I have delegated to him exclusively.
I expressly consent to that he prepare copies of the documents containing my personal data and to the handling of the same so as to performing his services specified in the Contract for Legal Services.
I hereby acknowledge that [Attorney-at-law’s-name] informed me of the manner and content of the checking of my identity,
as well as the fact that attorneys-in-fact are required to refuse to draft the documents in the cases listed in the Money Laundering Act.
I hereby confirm that [Attorney's name] Attorney-at-law has checked my identity, my legal capacity and my authorization.
I confirm that I have been informed by [Attorney's name] attorney-at-law of the purpose and legal consequences of the transaction specified herein.
The legal relationship established with [OFFICEName of the law office] is controlled by the Contract for Legal Services attached hereto.
I hereby represent that I am duly authorized to sign and have legal capacity to enter into this contract.
I hereby consent to the transmission of my personal data recorded in the course of the screening process by the attorney at law authorized hereunder for the purpose of screening to be carried out by other service providers pursuant to Articles 18-19 of the Money Laundering Act.
This declaration contains the data recorded regarding my personal data in accordance with the requirements pertaining to attorneys-at-law in the Money Laundering Act.
Changes in data
I hereby acknowledge that I have been informed by [Attorney’s name] concerning my obligation to report any changes to my data stated above within five days the date of change.